Support and Workarounds

Zimbra has an extremely active development community.  On average VORARI aims to upgrade their shared platform within 1-2 months depending on the enhancements and fixes in a given release.

Zimbra operates a transparent development process and product roadmap.  Full details can be found at

Current Release - Zimbra 6.0.8

We have been made aware of the following issues with this release:

1. Distribution Lists.  Designated Domain admins are unable to create distribution lists.  The current workaround is to submit a support request and we will add the distribution list name for you.  You are able to edit this list.  A ticket has been filed with Zimbra Support.

2. Shared Documents in Briefcase - Bugzilla 50224.


Problem accessing /service/home/<doc>


no such item
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A ticket has been filed with Zimbra Support.