VORARI Moving to a new Premium Hosted Provider

Dear all,

We wanted to alert you to the fact that we're changing hosting providers. We wanted to take a moment to explain who we're moving to and why.

As many of you know we currently run our platform on Rackspace managed hosting. When we selected Rackspace our focus was to find a hosting provider that delivered not just excellent performance and support but also proactive server management. That is to say a provider that works with you to ensure your hosting is always at its best. This is a service we find to be lacking in a number of hosting providers. I'd like to say there are only a handful in the same league as Rackspace but even that might be too generous. There are very few alternatives to Rackspace. When a company feels that they are in a league of their own the danger is complacency. So we took the decision to find an alternative hosting provider in the UK that matched Rackspace’s service level but also could deliver the necessary value we needed to accommodate our growth.

We believe that other player to be UKFast.

We’ve been watching them closely and they have impressed us with their consistent high performance and dedicated service. And their accolades speak volumes. They have won several ISPA's awards for the last four years running and numerous other awards that speak to their commitment to excellence.

UKFast also has the fastest network in the UK, so we believe that our collective needs will be best served by placing our hosting with them. We intend to switch services over in the next two weeks. Nothing needs to be done on your end. You can continue with your services as you have today. We will make all the necessary changes on our end during a 3 hr maintenance window. We have scheduled this change to take place in the early hours of Wednesday morning on the 12th of August / (Late Tuesday evening).

Best Regards,

The VORARI team.

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